Full ring LED light simulates natural sunlight for full visibility Sturdy base tray for countertop storage Rechargeable with USB cord 7 inch high definition mirror face Features: Full ring LED…
Full ring LED light simulates natural sunlight for full visibility Sturdy base tray for countertop storage Rechargeable with USB cord 7 inch high definition mirror face Features: Full ring LED…
Ceramic grinder adjustable to 7 settings from fine to coarse Battery operated Wide glass jar opening for convenient refills and cleaning Adjustable turning transparent lid for mess free storage Features:…
Insert the stopper into the bottle neck opening tightly Position the vacuum preserver onto the stopper vertically and pump the air out until you feel a strong resistance Use the…
Side handles for easy moving Bag fixer on the body keeps the bag well organized and invisible from outside( w/o liner) Features: Wide open top design that’s easy to use…
On the occasion of Teachers' Day, Mr. James Chen, the founder and CEO of EKO Group, returned to his alma mater, Nanxiong Middle School, to make a donation to support…
“教育的本质意味着:一棵树摇动另一棵树, 一朵云推动另一朵云,一个灵魂唤醒另一个灵魂” ——德国哲学家雅斯贝尔斯《什么是教育》 教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业,也是人类灵魂的工程师。9月9日下午,在教师节来临之际,EKO集团董事长陈亿志先生回到阔别已久的母校——南雄中学进行捐资助教。南雄市市委书记林小龙、南雄市政协主席何人平、南雄市人民政府副市长吴良彬、南雄市教育局局长田文斌等领导和全体师生共同出席了本次捐赠仪式。 作为南雄中学的杰出校友,陈亿志先生情系母校,感怀师恩,从2019年至今,连续三年个人出资共100万元用于奖励为南雄中学教学事业做出杰出贡献的优秀教师。 在捐赠仪式上,陈亿志先生发表温情讲话,“南雄中学,是在我成长的道路上给予我无私帮助和谆谆教诲的地方,为母校做点力所能及的事一直是我的心愿。身为一名在南雄中学的培育下略有成就的学子,能够为母校的老师和同学、为养育我的家乡贡献自己的绵薄之力,是我莫大的荣幸,也是我最大的幸福。 我相信在座的所有老师,你们的坚守和投入,敬业与奉献,将在南雄中学的土地上浇灌出国家之栋梁、民族之希望!在此,我要向你们说一声,谢谢!你们辛苦了!” 吴良彬副市长代表市委、市政府对陈亿志先生回报桑梓、捐资助教的行为表示高度赞扬和感谢。随后,陈亿志先生为获奖的优秀教师颁奖,并合影留念。 “三寸粉笔,三尺讲台系国运;一颗丹心,一生秉烛铸民魂”。这是习近平总书记对教师的高度评价。作为企业公民,EKO集团自立业以来始终自觉肩负社会责任,在发展壮大之时不忘以实际行动支持家乡教育事业的发展。 正如陈亿志先生所说,新时代的企业家应当自觉肩负“达则兼济天下”的使命,捐资助教不仅是对母校的回馈,更希望通过这个善举,带动社会各界对南雄乃至国家教育事业倾注更多爱心和支持,为辛勤的老师队伍带来更多关注和关爱。 未来,EKO集团仍将不忘初心,积极践行社会责任,彰显企业担当,用我们的点滴行动唤醒更多社会力量,共同传递爱心,为国家教育事业贡献光与热!
Stainless steel top in fingerprint-resistant Delicate and comfortable back handle Durable cantilever foot-operated pedal mechanism The lid stays open at 90 degrees Features: Soft square unique shape Bi-force damper soft close Stay…
Equipped with wheels and pront pull handle to allow for easy movment Stay open mechanism helps to keep lid open during prolonged operation Durable foot-operated pedal mechanism The space saving…
Full stainless steel waste bin with elegant groove design on the lid and pedal Durable stainless steel foot pedal built to last Removable inner liner bucket and stay open mechanism…
Motion sensor operated opening with dynamic 5 seconds countdown close display Drawer easily pulls out to store recyclables Stacked design for optimal space saving Use touch switch to open and…